Plant Survey and Inspection of In-Process Equipment
Decundi Inspection Services have carried out plant surveys and inspections of in-process equipment for several clients, and we would like to provide these services during your next turnaround or scheduled shutdown. We also provide consultancy services for the condition known as corrosion under insulation (CUI), which is a real threat to the on stream reliability of many Refineries and Petrochemical facilities. Corrosion under insulation can cause failures of Pressure Vessels and Piping in areas that are not normally of primary concern to the end users' inspection program. We provide visual inspections and ultrasonic testing of pressure vessels, boilers, heat exchanger, tanks, piping systems, and other equipment that are currently in use at end users' facilities to determine the safety and reliability of the equipment and fitness for use.
Our inspection criteria for the safety and reliability of equipment and fitness for use is based on the design parameters of pressure vessels, boilers, piping systems, and other equipment referenced above, and after visual inspection and UT thickness measurements are carried out, Decundi then carries out calculations based on the design parameters shown on Form U-1 and Manufacturers Data Report for Pressure Vessels and Form P-3 Manufacturer's Data Report For Watertube Boilers, Superheaters, Waterwalls and Economizers following which, the thickness obtained from the ultrasonic testing for current wall thickness of in-process equipment is calculated against design pressure, temperature, corrosion allowance and other parameters stated in ASME code and where applicable rerating of in-process equipment is carried out based on the information obtained from these calculations. Please contact Decundi for all your future needs for plant surveys and inspections and rerating of in-process equipment during your next turnaround or scheduled shutdown.